Grabber Reciever forgets IP address and port

Grabber Reciever forgets IP address and port when I close and reopen a set.
This happens on mac and PC, I tried saving the presets to my user library too. Anyone else have this problem?

Hi bframes,

The GrabberReceiver plugin doesn’t have an IP field so I assume you mean the GrabberSender. I checked and I can confirm there were some weird things going on. Sometimes it would save the ip but not the port or vice versa.

In the latest update (4.2) this should be fixed. It would be great if you could have a look and see if that is correct.

Thanks for notifying us!

Ahh, that must have been it. I updated the other day and it’s stuck properly since then. Lovely update too, always wanted 8 slots on these devices instead of 7.

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